Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Fire and Ice

The following news links, coupled with other news from the Middle East are interesting from the standpoint of their mutual timing.

Many Mideast “peace-watchers” may be disheartened by the recent failure of the U.S. to halt Israeli settlement building in East Jerusalem and the West Bank.  However, God has spoken concerning what must happen in that process, and small setbacks ought not be overblown.  Nor should natural disasters be given too much weight.  But it is interesting that great fires ravaged northern Israel, followed by horrendous dust storms, hail and heavy winds.  The number of dead, lost and injured is rising – all this, as a new phase of Mideast peace talks are about to begin.  Before the fire in the north, the whole of Israel and much of the Mediterranean was subjected to a months-long drought.  They prayed for rain, and their crops were devastated by the hail.  Waves more than thirty feet high crashed onto Israel’s shore, and Egypt was also stricken, where the Palestinian leaders have been visiting with Hosni Mubarak and Egypt’s Foreign Minister.  God is clearly not pleased by what is going on.  It would be wrong to dogmatically connect the disparate events and processes, but God does bring rain on the just and the unjust alike.  As to His particular reasoning, we are not privy, to be able to say that it was this or that to which God was responding.  In truth, He was surely reacting from a myriad of perspectives.  But that God brought this devastation, as always, is certain.  His reasons and His purposes are His own. 

The bare naked truth is glaringly apparent:  The place where God has repeatedly said that He has placed His name, Jerusalem, is invaded by Gentiles.  The entire Gentile world is bent upon forcing Israel to surrender land that God has specifically claimed as His own, given to the Jews for an everlasting possession.  To possess is not necessarily to own.  God owns the land that men are attempting to take.  We ought not view the natural disasters as “punishment, but as warning.

To Read more about Wm. Anderson Simpson author of Midnight Rising-Warning Signs For This Generation-Deep River Books 2010. www.midnightrisingbook.net 

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