Monday, September 13, 2010

Did Jesus Name the Antichrist?

I have been asked several times if I have watched the YouTube video that asks the question, “Did Jesus name the antichrist?”  The answer is yes, I have watched it, just this morning.  It is interesting, but not conclusive.  The emphasis is upon the name of President Obama as found in two Hebrew words, for “lightning,” and for “heaven.”  The first is “baraq,” and the second is “bamah.”  The Scripture is Luke 10:18, in which our Lord says that He saw Satan falling as lightning from heaven.  The context is immediately after Jesus sent seventy disciples out to bring the Gospel of the Kingdom to the cities round about.  The disciples returned, marveling that even the demons respond to the name of Jesus.  That is when Jesus makes this pronouncement.  It was following a period of testimony that Jesus revealed this to his disciples, and He went on to say, “Blessed are the eyes which see the things you see…many prophets and kings have desired to see what you see and to hear what you have heard…”

In other words, it was a relatively dramatic moment in the ministry of our Lord, and certainly, the Hebrew words (Jesus probably actually spoke the Hebrew words in Aramaic) are pronounced Baraq and Bahmah.  Whether this is a reference to our president remains to be seen.  The author of the piece on YouTube said in his disclaimer that he was not saying dogmatically that it was the Lord’s intention to name the antichrist.  Neither do I make such a statement.  However, in my book (, I approach the possibility from different Scriptures, concluding that, if it is not Obama who bears that infamy, it will be a man like him, who is respected worldwide for his peacemaking abilities.

You can watch the video yourselves at  There are many interesting and indeed, fascinating things about Obama’s name, both in the language of his forebears, and now, in this.  I recommend the video, but suggest that it be taken with a grain of flavorful salt.

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