Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Is the True Church Blind To Prophecy?

Read this important article from Financial Times:

This is the idea behind Daniel’s “many” of 9:27.  However, the “many” includes all of the signatory parties to the covenant, or treaty.  That body encompasses the entire planet, as the U.N. will sign off on it, as will Russia, the Arab League, the European Union and the United States, under the current negotiating process.  Any treaty will indeed involve “many” peoples, as virtually every Gentile nation on the earth is a member of the United Nations.

An earlier news story suggested a regional approach, but with an unspecified time period of probation, so to speak; a trial period.  Do you suppose that the time period of that treaty will be seven years?

Things are moving at a dizzying pace toward the Tribulation.  That the professing church is unconcerned is to be expected, but the true Church is largely blind to current events also, as they relate to prophecy.  They acknowledge that we are in the “end times,” but they are not exhorting their congregations to turn from the things of this world, to the things of heaven; for heaven is knocking loudly upon our hearts and we are not listening.  That blessed hope is about to be fulfilled, and the Church is silent and somewhat resistant.  They have become the modern-day Pharisees, losing sight of where we are and what is about to occur.  Not all, of course.  There are many who are preaching and teaching the Rock-solid truths of the Bible, but they are only a very tiny minority in the whole of the dragnet.

Nevertheless, our Lord began with only twelve; there are far more than that number who are preaching and teaching sound doctrine to others today who will be competent enough in the Scriptures to teach others also.  These are special times in the history of the world, climactic times, and nobody is noticing.  David Jeremiah is a wonderful example of a teacher of sound doctrine.  There are many bright lights who understand the times, and who bring the light of God’s grace toward the lost, and education and edification of the saints.  My new book, “Midnight Rising: Warning signs to this Generation,” explains the complex intricacies of prophecy so simply that anyone can understand the magnitude of our time in history.

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