Thursday, September 30, 2010

Another Critical Juncture

Read this quick news story first.
It is probable that Israel is being given time to move public opinion to the point where cessation of settlement construction becomes necessary for these negotiations to succeed.  This is a diplomatic maneuver that is often used to enable a nation to persuade its people that what was necessary yesterday is now in their best interests to abate.  Nevertheless, this is a serious matter in regard to the “peace” process.  It is the stumbling block that everyone knew would be the first and the biggest. 

In the quotes in this article by Reuters, it is clear that Mr. Obama and the rest of the Gentile nations intend to make this treaty happen, one way or another.  If not by negotiation and suggestion, then by coercion and force if necessary.  Daniel was careful to say that the beast would confirm the covenant, not that Israel would do so.  This leaves the door open for much diplomatic wrangling.  The settlements are a big issue to most Israelis, but to the government, they are little more than bargaining chips.  They know that they will have to surrender them.  The longer they hold out, the greater the concession will appear when they finally submit to the will of the world.  Two key quotes from Reuters:

We think it's important for the Palestinian people, for the people of Israel, and we think it's in the United States' interest and indeed the interests of people around the world that this conflict of long-standing be brought to an end.”  This, by George Mitchell.

Mitchell met Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday, saying the United States was ‘determined more than ever’ to achieve Middle East peace.”

It is not only the United States that is bringing heavy pressure to bear on both sides, but the entire Gentile world, under the auspices of the United Nations, is demanding an end to what has been endless antipathy and war.

Even in the unlikely event that these talk break down, we can bet that Mr. Obama will persist in this effort, as he has always considered Middle East peace a critical component of his legacy.  If he can pull this off, then he will silence his critics regarding his award of the Nobel Peace Prize.  It will be a signal to the world that a man of great “wisdom” has arisen, and they will look to him for guidance in the terrifying days following the rapture of the Church.  He will not disappoint, at least not for another three and a half years.  The world does not realize that the “light” that he shines is all darkness and deception.

As we state often, one must not get caught up in the day-to-day vicissitudes of diplomacy.  What is today a great success may be tomorrow’s great failure.  Today’s acorn is tomorrow’s feces.  Conversely, what today seems a horrific turn of events may be tomorrow’s shining moment.  We cannot know what a day may bring, but we can discern the face of the sky, and we can discern the seasons and the times of our Lord’s return for His bride.  We can trust that the Holy Spirit is not deceiving us, but that He will bring to pass precisely what the prophets have written. 

How long the process will take is already written in the foreknowledge of God, and we are not to attempt to discover a date that is hidden by God.  But He has graciously given us many clues as to the seasons and the times.  We cannot predict the rapture’s date, but we can observe the things on earth as they move into full alignment with the objective circumstances on the ground, as predicted more than twenty-five hundred years ago.  It is by these things that we can know that the rapture is near, if the things that must follow it are moving toward fulfillment.  The next prophesied event, after the removal of the mystery Church, is the confirmation of a covenant between Israel, the beast, and many other peoples. 

How clear must it be before Christians will take notice of what is going on around them?  How clever of the devil to introduce, four hundred years in advance, a preconceived idea of the geopolitical stage at the end of this age, so that Christians would not notice that the end of the age was already upon them as the days grow short.  He blinded the Jews, and he is attempting to blind the Church.  This treaty is going to happen, and we will be gone before it does.  It is as plain as that.

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